To spread the love of Christ globally and fulfill the Great Commission by reaching unreached people groups.


To identify, develop, train and support missionaries, engage in evangelism and outreach locally to be effective abroad, provide humanitarian aid, discipleship education, seminary studies and training to believers worldwide.

Leadership and Structure


  • Pastor of Missions: Lutisha Goebel
  • Missions Coordinator: Cindy Smith of Homeward
  • Missions /Outreach Director: Cynthia Duran
  • Finance Manager: Rigo and Shauna Ramirez
  • Prayer Coordinator: TBD

ROLES: Pastor of Missions oversees the ministry, Missions Coordinator manages partnerships, Missions/Outreach Director plans events, Finance Manager handles finances, Prayer Coordinator organizes prayer initiatives.

Mission Statement and Core Values

MISSION STATEMENT ; "To glorify God by making disciples of all nations through strategic mission partnerships, biblical studies, discipleship formation and outreach.

CORE VALUES: The number one priority; to wholeheartly demonstrate Love, Compassion, Unity, Integrity, Cultural Sensitivity, sharing the Word of God in its entirety, unapologetically.

Partnerships and Outreach

Partnerships: Supporting local ministries and nonprofit organizations, partnering with churches in remote villages in Africa and potential people groups throughout the world. Collaborate with missionary organizations local and abroad.

Prayer and Support

Prayer Support: Establish a missions prayer chain, host a monthly prayer gathering specifically for missions, provide cards for missionaries.

Practical Support: Sending care packages to missionaries, organizing financial support for mission projects, offering counseling services for missionaries pre/post the mission field.

Education and Training

Education: Host seminars, classes/courses on cross-cultural communication,

Biblical Studies: Old and New Testament, Biblical Interpretation,Biblical Hebrew and Greek.

Theology: Systematic, Historical, Christian Ethics, Apologetics and Doctrine of God.

Church History: Early Church, Reformation History, ModernChurch History, History Of Christianity (specific to regions),

Practical Ministry: Homiletics, Pastoral Counseling, Leadership InMinistry, Worship and Liturgy, Church Administration

Spiritual Formation: Spiritual Disciplines, Formation In Christ-likeness, Prayer and Devotional Life, Discipleship, Christian Character and Conduct

Missions and Evangelism: Theology of Missions, CrossCultural Communication, Evangelism Strategies, Church Planting, Global Missions Practices

Ministry Practicum: Internship, Ministry Leadership Development,Field education (local and international), Practical Ministry, Supervised Ministry service (support)

Potential Certificate/Degree Programs/Studies: Special Topic Theological studies (example; Specific Biblical Book, Angel, Tent of Meeting/Ark of the Covenant, Covenants), Hermeneutics,Comparative Religion, Expository Teaching, Writings and Research, Critical Thinking In Theology

Training: Provide evangelism workshops, offer language coursesfor mission trips, conduct discipleship training for new believers.

Missions Trips and Projects

Missions Trips: Train and send teams to work the Harvest, organizing medical mission support to rural areas in Africa, partnering with local churches and organizations to provide aid for women and children. Provide Pastoral Training and education. Establish, aid and/orsupport church plants. Identify the missing languages and collaborate with partners to get Bibles translated into missing language, meet the community needs identified by foreign partners.

Projects: Consist of biblical education, building schools, churches and homes in remote villages, distributing food and clothingto villagers, conduct/host a VBS program, counsel and education to men/women who have experienced traumatic events.

Communication and Reporting:

Communication: Send out monthly newsletters with mission updates, maintain a missions section on the church website, utilize social media platforms for mission testimonies, updates and prayer requests.

Reporting: Maintain and provide annual reports on mission activities and impact, invite missionaries to share their experiences during church services, hosting mission-focused events for the congregation.

Evaluation andReflection:

Evaluation: Survey church members about their involvement inmissions, conduct debrief sessions after mission trips, assess the effectiveness of mission projects in meeting their objectives.

Reflection: Hold reflection nights to share stories of God's faithfulness in missions, incorporate mission testimonies intoworship services, facilitate small group discussions on lessons learned from missions. Share photos of approved areas.

Vision Casting and FuturePlanning:

Vision Casting: Share visions for upcoming missions; planting churches in unreached areas, Types of training and education, Scripture focused teachings, set goals to increase mission giving by a certainpercentage each year, envision a global missions conference hosted by the church.

Future Planning: Develop a strategic plan for reaching specificunreached people groups, explore opportunities for long-term partnerships with missionaries, identify potential areas for expansion in missions ministry programs.