Family life is busy, so being intentional with the time you do have is more important than ever. Table Talk helps mealtime matter - whether it's at the soccer field, in the car, or around the table. Let this resource be a tool to connect your family and create faith-based conversations.
Want quick access to great Bible story videos, activties to do with your children, and parenting articles about the phase your child is in? Download the Parent Cue App and take advatange of the time you have with your kids..
The best Bible for your growing teen.
In Equip Youth we want youth to love reading their Bible. The Bible is living and active, full of promises to encourage and give us hope, and holds stories of God's provision and faithfulness. But discovering which Bible is the best for your child can be hard. If you need a place to start, these are a few Bibles we like.

Middle School Boys (Grades 6-8th Grade) Shop Now -->

Middle School Girls (Grades 6-8th). Shop Now -->

High School (Grades 9-12th) Shop Now -->
You know what your kid is going through is just a phase, but what does that really mean?

Don't Miss It (by Reggie Joiner and Kristen Ivy) reminds parents that phases are not just periods of time to be survived, but opportunities to be maximized. It gives parents a simple strategy for parenting every week like it counts. It can help them reprioritize their time with their kids; it may even change how they see their kids and themselves.
(And because parents are busy, it's designed to take an hour or less to read.)
It's just a phase. So don't miss it. Shop now-->
To read more about the Phase Project, visit JustAPhase.com.
For more resources like this, visit OrangeBooks.com.

Are You Prepared to Talk with Your Child About...?
Discussing difficult topics with kids has never been easy, but in today's world, it's more difficult than ever. Gay marriage, terrorist attacks, pornography, police shootings, and yes, sex, are just some of the complex issues children will encounter in our current culture. When your child asks questions, will you have answers?Tough Stuff Parenting will equip you to have thoughtful, age-appropriate conversations with your child. The biblically-based wisdom and practical tools you'll find inside will help you confidently engage your kid in meaningful dialogue. And when questions arise, your child will look to you first for answers instead of friends or the Internet.
Make a lasting connection with your kid by learning how to effectively discuss life's most complicated topics.